I thought it would be easier to list all the upcoming Zoom meetings.
Could members please remember to mute their microphones when requested by Brian. He does explain how to do this but your device may not have the same display as Brian’s if this is so please look for the microphone icon on your screen.
Thursday 19 November
PDI Competition round 3 to be judged by Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1*
Thursday 26 November
Members Evening – For the first part of the evening Czech will give a presentation on the wildlife of the Maasai Mara, Kenya.
For the second part of the evening Matt has put together a presentation of images taken at a recent Club outing to Sheffield Park and Garden.
It is also hand in for the Mike Gleave Nature Cup. Entries to be submitted to Brian, the PDI secretary (pdisecretary@bromleycameraclub.org.uk) on or before 26 November. Late entries may be disallowed.
Thursday 3 December
Mike Gleave Nature Cup to be judged by Darren Pullman AFIAP CPAGB BPE2*
It is also hand in for “My Two Favourite Photos of 2020”. Members entering will be asked to give a short description of why they chose their photos. Entries to be submitted to Brian, the PDI secretary (pdisecretary@bromleycameraclub.org.uk) on or before 26 November. Late entries may be disallowed.
Thursday 10 December
Presentations by members plus “My Two Favourite Photos of 2020”.
Thursday 17 December
Christmas Quiz
Thursday 7 January 2021
Annual General Meeting
Followed by a Members’ Q&A
It is also hand in for a new theme competition entitled “About Face”. This will be a colour PDI comp – portraiture, street, fashion, fine art, etc. anything as long as it contains a face.Entries to be submitted to Brian, the PDI secretary (pdisecretary@bromleycameraclub.org.uk) on or before 7 January. Late entries may be disallowed.
Thursday 14 January
“About Face” colour PDI competition to be judged by Ian Brash CPAGB BPE2
Christmas at Kew – has now been postponed until 4 December
Yinka Shonibare, ‘Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle’, 2010
Where can you see it? Answer next week
Please see below message from Celio Abreu
I form part of a small group of people from a town in Madeira Island called Curral das Freiras.
We have a keen interest in photography and history, and as such we have come together to create a photographic and historic archive of our small town, as there is no such thing.
Curral das Freiras is one of the most visited places in Madeira, by the Island residents as well as most tourists that visit our beautiful island.
As a result of all these visits, there must be many photos of our hometown all over the world, and this is why I am reaching out to you, would it be possible for you to pass this request to your members, and if any are willing to donate any photos or documents they might have they can contact/send them to CurraldasFreiras1790@gmail.com
This archive is a non-profit association, in which our main objective is to preserve our history to future generations.
You can find some information about our hometown and photographs in the following pages:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curral.das.freiras/
Website: https://curraldasfreiras.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/257353645552691
Thanks for taking the time to read this message.
Zoom Meetings
Zoom meetings have been pre-booked up until Thursday 17 December at 7:45pm. If you have deleted Greg’s email containing the login codes I can let you have them. It is not too late to sign up to join the meetings each week you just need to download an app called Zoom Meetings. You also need to let Greg (webmaster@bromleycameraclub.org.uk) have a note of your email address.