IN THIS EDITION: This week at the club SLF Finals Day – enter your prints Committee vacancies Outings Future meetings   

THIS WEEK AT THE CLUB  Thursday 3 February – “Inspiration” with Tony Bramley FRPS An evening looking at how we can achieve inspiration to move forward with our photography.

It is also hand-in for Mono Print Competition round 2. Please bring up to three mounted images with you on Thursday.

7.45pm, Bromley United Services Club    

SLF FINALS DAY – ENTER YOUR PRINTS SLF finals day is on 23 April at Sanderstead Methodist Church, 104 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon CR2 9EF. Doors open at 1.30pm and it should end at around 5.20pm. We have entered a club panel, but there is also the opportunity for members to enter up to 2 images in an open colour print competition, and up to 2 images in an open mono print competition. These cannot be prints that are already in the club panel and images cannot be entered that have won certificates in previous SLF competitions, nor can they have been used in other disciplines i.e. PDIs. If anyone has any prints that they would like to enter, Julie will need the prints by 24 February at the latest, as they have to be handed in the following week. She will also need a jpeg of the image before 24 February to enter into the Photo Entry system before the closing date. These open prints will be prejudged and results/certificates awarded on finals day. Please email Julie on if you are intending to enter any prints.     

The role of Outings Secretary will be vacant at the end of this season. This job involves organising a range of day trips and the occasional residential so that members have opportunities to get together to take photos. Charlotte will give a full handover and provide any help needed.

Other positions may be available and members are also welcome to join the committee without taking on a specific role. If you are interested, please talk to any of the current committee members at a Thursday meeting.    

Sunday 6 February – Greenwich (meet at 9.30am by the Cutty Sark ship)
Explore historic Greenwich (Queen’s House tickets booked for 11am, Cutty Sark exterior, Greenwich Park, Naval College exterior etc.) as well as following the Thames path or foot tunnel for some different angles and viewpoints. This outing is free of charge other than the (optional) entry to any additional tourist attractions. 

Saturday 26 March – Scotney Castle and Bodiam Castle
Two castles in one day! Exact timings of the day to be agreed with attendees to make the most of each venue and sunset. The cost for both castles is £22 or free for National Trust members; attendees will need to book their own places. 

Saturday 9 July – Kent County Show
Save the date! Booking is not yet open but more details will be provided nearer the time.

Please email Charlotte ( if you would like to attend any of the above outings.    

Inter-Club Competition:
Friday 4 February – SLF Plate Finals

Via Zoom. Please email Julie ( if you would like the meeting link.

Thursday 10 February – Mono Print Competition Round 2
Judge: Darren Pullman

Thursday 17 February – The beautiful Light: Deception in Landscape Photography
Jane Goodall
It is also hand-in for round 3 of the Colour Print Competition

For future meetings, please see the updated programme.

In addition, the following inter-club competitions are scheduled: Saturday 26 February – KCPA PDI, via Zoom
Saturday 23 April – SLF Battle of the Prints, Sanderstead Church   Facebook Website