Hello everyone, I hope you are all still managing to keep well.

Thursday Zoom Meetings

The virtual meetings are going well; last Thursday we had presentations by Steve Jones on his holiday to Southern India, Ioannis on birds and people in parks and Val and Dave on their holiday from Berlin to Warsaw.

Can you please remember when sending in your PDIs to follow the Club Rules. By way of reminder they are:

· sRGB colour space

· Jpeg (.jpg) format at the maximum quality setting.

· Maximum Dimensions: 1400 pixels Wide and 1050 pixels High. (Smaller images will be projected with a black background)

· Be titled and named in the following format:
Title by Photographer (distinctions, if any, in capital letters).jpg as in the following example:-
Ginger Cat by Animal Lover ARPS DPAGB.jpg
please also note there must be a space before and after the word ‘by’.

It is not too late to sign up to join the meetings each week especially if you have entered into the competitions as it is always interesting to hear from the photographer about their photos; you just need to download an app called Zoom Meetings.  You also need to let Greg (webmaster@bromleycameraclub.org.uk) have a note of your email address. What will then happen is that on Thursday Greg will email you with a meeting invite. If you accept this you will be patched in to all those others who have joined the meeting. We have changed the time to 8:05pm so members can clap the NHS at 8 o’clock, but as it takes a while for members to log in 8.05pm is not a rigid start time and you can log in at any time during the meeting.

Thursday 21 May

Competition. Lockdown: Portraits (3 x PDIs submitted to Brian, the PDI Secretary (pdisecretary@bromleycameraclub.org.uk by Tuesday 19th May). Please keep to the Government’s instructions, whatever they may be!

Thursday 28 May

Nothing planned as yet but if any member would like to contribute to the evening please let the programme secretary Chris know (programsec@bromleycameraclub.org.uk).

Thursday 4 June

Competition. Lockdown: Light and shade (3 x PDIs submitted to the PDI Secretary by Tuesday 2nd June). Please keep to the Government’s instructions, whatever they may be!

Thursday 11 June

Nothing planned as yet but if any member would like to contribute to the evening please let the programme secretary know.

Thursday 18 June

Competition. Lockdown: The Great Outdoors – think gardens and window views (3 x PDIs submitted to the PDI Secretary by Tuesday 16th June). Please keep to the Government’s instructions, whatever they may be!

Thursday 25 June

Competition. End of lockdown judged competition? We can hope!

Summer Project

This summer’s theme is “Parks and Recreation” which can be open to interpretation. Pictures to be taken on or after 1 June. If you would like to be part of a team, details to be decided later, please let me know. We would like to have three team leaders so if you would like to volunteer to be a captain please also let me know.

Two New Competitions

Tom Sullam (tom@comedywildlifephoto.com) is one of the founders of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, and just recently launched the Comedy Pet Photography Awards. They have created these competitions as a means of raising conservation and animal orphanage awareness, both serious topics, but through a humorous and engaging medium. They want people to laugh at the images entered, and feel engaged with the serious messages that form part of their competition.


The Pet Photography competition has come in handy for those locked down, looking to do some photography! They work with the Blue Cross charity on this, and 10% of all entry fees goes to them. £2 entry fee First prize: £3000

Charity: Blue Cross – we donate 10% of all gross income to them.


Free to Enter. First prize: 7-day safari in Kenya, with Alex Walkers Serian, along with Affinity software, Think Tank bag and a Nikon Camera

Charity: Born Free Foundation – they donate 10% of all gross income to them.