![]() IN THIS EDITION: This week at the club Bromley Life and Orpington Life – Queen’s Jubilee Return of cups, trophies and plaques SLF Finals Days New club logo Outings – updated Future meetings THIS WEEK AT THE CLUB Thursday 24 March – Colour Print Competition round 3 Judge: Alfred Brown CPAGB, Hon LCPU 7.45pm, Bromley United Services Club BROMLEY LIFE AND ORPINGTON LIFE – QUEEN’S JUBILEE Pam Preedy contacted the club as she is putting together a Jubilee pull-out for the two free magazines, Bromley Life and Orpington Life, run by Lauretta. She is looking for photographs of interesting events during the Queen’s lifetime in the local area that can be used in the supplement, specifically images of: The Queen in the borough Other Royal Family visits e.g. the Queen’s visits in 1986 and 2012, Prince Charles at the Churchill in 1977 and any others World events in the same time period ‘Do you remember..?’ e.g. the harsh winter of 1963/64 (Keston Ponds frozen over); the New Theatre burning down; London Olympics; Biggin Hill Air Shows etc. If you have something to submit or would like more information, please email Pam. RETURN OF CUPS, TROPHIES AND PLAQUES If you have a trophy from a previous season, please clean it and bring it along to a Thursday meeting. Brian will collate them so that they are ready for the next engravings. SLF PRINTS FINALS DAY – UPDATED SLF prints finals day is on 23 April at Sanderstead Methodist Church, 104 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon CR2 9EF. Doors open at 1.30pm and it should end at around 5.20pm. They are looking for volunteers to help set up the church hall , put up/take down prints, do the teas, pack away at the end etc. If anyone would like to volunteer please let Julie know: printsec@bromleycameraclub.org.uk SLF PDI FINALS DAY The PDI finals day is on 9/4/21 by Zoom. Bromley are not in the final but anyone can join in to watch and we have a couple of members who have submitted PDIs into the open competition. Julie is waiting for the Zoom information but please let her know if you’d like to attend and she’ll send the details when she has them: printsec@bromleycameraclub.org.uk NEW CLUB LOGO At the AGM, members voted for the club to take on a new logo. If you have an idea and would like to put together a design, please talk to one of the committee members. Thank you to the members who have already sent in their ideas! OUTINGS Saturday 26 March – Scotney Castle and Bodiam Castle – UPDATED Two castles in one day! Attendees have decided to visit Bodiam first (arriving 10am-11am), spend around an hour there, and then travel back to Scotney. The cost for both castles is £22 or free for National Trust members; attendees will need to book their own places. Saturday 23 April – King’s Cross classic car boot sale – NEW Meet at King’s Cross station at 10am. The event celebrates vintage music, food, fashion, design and the eye candy that is classic cars, bikes and commercial vehicles. Attendees can also use the opportunity to explore the area around King’s Cross: Regent’s canal etc. Tickets are £5 and available via this link. Saturday 7 & Sunday 8 May – East Kent weekend Stopping off in Blean Woods to see (hopefully!) Exmoor ponies, longhorn cattle and bison as well as bluebells, we will then head to the East Kent coast to capture sunset and/or sunrise by the sea. There will also be time to explore seaside towns like Margate, Broadstairs or Ramsgate or nature reserves like Sandwich & Pegwell Bay. Accommodation will be at Ramsgate’s Seafront Travelodge at a cost of £99.99 (updated advertised price) for one night. If you would like to attend, please contact Charlotte and she will send payment details. Saturday 18 June – Broadstairs Dickens Festival A Victorian-themed festival celebrating the relationship between Charles Dickens and the town of Broadstairs, with plenty of people dressed up and ready for photos! We will car-share for this event so please let Charlotte know if you are willing to drive or if you need a lift. More information on the event can be found here. Saturday 9 July – Kent County Show – BOOKING NOW OPEN Tickets are £19.50 and can be booked via this link. Please book for Saturday 9 July if you want to attend with other members. Please email Charlotte (secretary@bromleycameraclub.org.uk) if you would like to attend any of the above outings. UPCOMING MEETINGS Thursday 31 March – Water by Daniel Bridge It is also hand-in for the panel competition – PDI panels only Thursday 7 April – PDI Panel Competition Judge: Joe Houghton via Zoom at the USC It is also hand-in for the Mono Print Competition round 3 Thursday 14 April – Mono Print Competition round 3 Judge: Chery Larcombe It is also hand-in for the Kerri and Steinberger Cup For future meetings, please see the programme. In addition, the following inter-club competition is scheduled: Saturday 23 April – SLF Battle of the Prints, Sanderstead Church |