What’s on at the Club

Tomorrow is our Panel Competition to be judged by Paul Parkinson. The theme is “Portraits” (which can include anything, not just humans). You are free to enter more than one panel on the topic. You don’t have to stick to the usual size, you can even mount several prints on one mount board if you wish. Bring in your panels on the night.

Next week (18 April) we will be hosting the Larter Cup. This is a competition between Beckenham, West Wickham and ourselves. For that night only the meeting will be held in the Whyte Room upstairs at Ripley.

Annual Exhibition

For those of you who were presented with cups and plaques at last year’s Annual Exhibition, can these please be returned to the Club as soon as possible, beautifully shiny clean and with their boxes.

Next Club Outings 

Leeds Castle – confirmed for Saturday 11 May. 

This includes their Motors by the Moat event: https://www.leeds-castle.com/What’s+On/Featured+Events/Motors+by+the+Moat/ 

We’ll be sharing lifts for this outing so please let Charlotte know if you’d like to go (Charlotte.Teager@outlook.com) and if you plan on driving. Entrance is £25 if pre-booked online and includes the Motors by the Moat event. Concession prices are also available.

Hastings/Battle – Saturday 8 June

A day trip to Hastings, stopping at Battle on the way. £30 per person to cover the minibus and driver. Please let Charlotte know if you’d like to come and get your £30 to her to secure your place. Non-members welcome but priority will go to members.

What’s on Soon

Tulips at Eltham Palace – Monday 8 to Sunday 21 April (except Saturdays) tours at 11:30am and 2:30pm.

Come and celebrate Spring at Eltham Palace. Admire the gardens as they are brightened by the impressive 20,000 tulips planted throughout the gardens in the spirit of the Courtauld’s own tulip display.

Garden tours will be led by our expert gardeners and will take visitors around the grounds where they will be told about all the different types of tulips in the gardens this year. The gardeners will demonstrate, using archive photography, the comparisons between how the Courtaulds planted their tulips and modern day planting. Visitors will also hear how these photos inspired our gardeners to plant the tulips at Eltham Palace this year.

Spaces are limited to 25 people per garden tour so will work on a first come, first served basis. Charges apply, free for Members.

Tonbridge Camera Club Annual Exhibition – Friday 12 to Thursday 18 April

Council Chamber, Tonbridge Castle. Open daily 10:00 to 4:00pm (except Friday 12 noon to 4:00pm and Thursday 18 10:00am to noon).

Glass Sculptures at Kew Gardens – Saturday 13 April to 27 October

Seattle-based glass artist Dale Chihuly installs some of his stunning pieces of work at Kew Gardens. The mesmerising sculptures appear to ‘bloom’ in flower beds, lakes and greenhouses. Included in admission price.

Concorde Day – Saturday 12 April – 10:00am-5:00pm

Come and join Brooklands Museum, (Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0QN) as they dedicate a day of Concorde-themed activities and celebrate the 50th anniversary of her maiden flight. Their new Concorde exhibition will be open in the Vickers Suite opposite the aircraft and the British Airways Brass Band will be giving a performance. They are also offering two lucky winners the chance to lower Concorde’s iconic nose on the day in a fantastic prize draw. In addition to this, they have lined up many additional elements for you to enjoy (see website for full details). Cost £16.00.

Crossness Open Day – Sunday 13 April – 10:30am – 4:00pm

Spend your Sunday at Crossness Pumping Station, otherwise known as London’s ‘cathedral of sewage’. The open day is a chance to see inside the beautiful building, get a glimpse of the engines that make the whole thing work, and view an exhibition about the Victorian sewage system that still serves London today. Crossness (Abbey Wood), £6/£2, just turn up.

Photography Workshops, Hucking Estate – Sunday 12 May,  Sunday 9 June and Sunday 27 October.

The May session will be perfect timing for spring flowers and hopefully bluebells! June session for summer flowers and October for Autumn colour.

Groups will be small to ensure you get plenty of support. Each session will start at 10:00 and finish at around 16:00. There will be a break for lunch which can be taken at the local pub.

This course is designed for camera-owners who would like to know the basics. It will explain some of the basic principles of photography such as focus, exposure and composition as well as many of the practical aspects such as how to download and store images, and some advice on basic processing. The majority of the time will be spent practicing techniques by using cameras out in the Hucking Estate. There will be many opportunities to ask questions and review your own images, and those taken by the group, as well as an opportunity to learn a host of top tips.

This course is suitable for people with any sort of camera.

Edward Parker is a specialist tree and forest photographer who has written more than 30 educational books and his photographs have been exhibited at Kew Gardens, Downing Street and The Horniman Museum, as well as having been used at both the Earth Summits. “Photographing Trees” is his latest book. For more details about the Hucking Estate, and how to get there, see: www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/visiting-woods/wood/4776/hucking-estate/

Please park at the Woodland Trust car park off Church Road, ME17 1QT.
