What’s on at the Club Tonight

Tonight is the Larter Cup competition. This is a friendly competition each year between Bromley, Beckenham and West Wickham camera clubs. Judging the competition will be Martin Faiers.

Next week is our first Nature Competition to be judged by Jeff Royce. Full details below.


What’s on this Weekend and soon

KCA Exhibition

The images recently selected will form the Exhibition, to be hung in the Upper Gallery at Creek Creative, 1 Abbey Street, Faversham from Tuesday 19 April to Sunday 1 May. (Not open on Mondays). The Presentation evening and showing of the PDI images is on Saturday 23 April 6:30pm – 10:00pm in the Upstairs Gallery, Creek Creative.


SLF Finals Day

Will take place on Saturday 23 April at St. John’s Church, Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham BR3 3JN. Doors Open 1:00pm for exhibition, main event starts at 2:00pm. Tickets: £5. They have the finals of the inter-club competitions, the results of the competitions to find the best of the certificate winners this season plus the results of the Open competitions that you may have entered. It promises to be an excellent afternoon of photography with Roger Force, Rosemary Wilman and Bob Webzell judging.

If you can help with setting up please come along from 10:00am. They will, of course, also need help to put everything back at the end of the event.

Camera Club Outing

On Saturday 18 June the Outings Committee are planning a coach trip to Windsor Castle and town and the Savill Garden in Windsor Great Park. Cost of the coach is £25 per person. We expect to leave Bromley at 8.30 am and return by 6.30 pm. You are welcome to bring guests with you. To be sure of your place please sign up on the board or email pdisecretary@bromleycameraclub.org.uk. Seats must be reserved and paid for by Thursday 28 April. Standard admission for Windsor Castle is £20 and Savill Garden is £9.75. There are various discounts depending on age, size of group etc. that we will check out when we know who is going.



Camera Club Weekend

The Outings Committee is considering a BCC trip to Bristol for the weekend Friday 12 to Monday 15 August 2016. The Bristol Balloon Festival is on that weekend and the city has many other attractions, including SS Great Britain and the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Accommodation probably in University Halls in self-catering en-suite single rooms at a cost of approximately £120 for the three nights. Travel by train – approximately £60 return for advance booking. If interested please confirm to stevejones35@gmail.com as soon as possible.


Annual Exhibition

For those of you who were presented with cups and plaques at last year’s AE, can these please be returned to the Club as soon as possible, beautifully shiny clean and in their boxes.



To Steve Jones whose panel entitled “Red, White and Blue” was chosen as the winner of our Colour Panel Competition. Steve also bagged second place with “Havana Streets” and Vera Stevens’ panel entitled “Blue Abstractions” came third. See attachment for the three panels.


Mike Gleave Nature Cup Competition- Thursday 21 April

This is a new annual competition for a cup kindly donated by Cecily Gleave in memory of Mike who most members will recall was a very fine nature photographer. The definition of Nature is set out below. Please submit up to 4 PDIs in the usual competition format to pdisecretary@bromleycameraclub.org.uk by 18 April or give CD/memory stick to me (Val Bluck) tonight. You may enter images that have previously been used in BCC competitions.

“Nature photography depicts living, untamed animals and uncultivated plants in a natural habitat, geology and the wide diversity of natural phenomena, from insects to icebergs. The photographer, whatever photographic medium is used, must have taken the original image. Photographs of animals, which are domesticated, caged or under any form of restraint, as well as photographs of cultivated plants are ineligible. Minimal evidence of humans is acceptable for nature subjects, such as barn owls or storks adapting to an environment modified by humans, or natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves, reclaiming it. No techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content, or without altering the content of the original scene, are permitted including HDR, focus stacking and dodging/burning. Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. Stitched images are not permitted. All allowed adjustments must appear natural. Colour images can be converted to greyscale monochrome.”


In the moment Photography competition

Photography Competition

West Kent Mind have just launched their “In the Moment” photography competition on their website There is no set theme and the top 10 photographs will be framed and auctioned online, with the photographer receiving 50% of the money raised. Entry costs £10 per image and the competition closes on Friday 24 June 2016. This is a fantastic opportunity to get out and enjoy the local area, and to help raise funds for West Kent Mind. More information, as well as the full terms and conditions of entering, can be found on their website:www.westkentmind.org.uk/in-the-moment