What’s on at the Club tonight
Tonight Paul Adams will give his presentation entitled “From Atlanta to New Orleans”. It is also hand in for Round 3 of the Monochrome Print Competition.
Next week (25 February) Gerald Kityakara will be judging the Monochrome competition.
What’s on this Weekend and soon
- The Photographic Angle are holding at exhibition entitled “My Country” at 145-161 Brompton Road, SW3 1QP from Wednesday 24 to Sunday 28 February, open daily between 10:00am and 3:00pm. This exhibition illustrates how photographers across the world view their own country. For many it was an opportunity to present their country in a positive light; they have shared their favourite landscapes, local wildlife or bustling street scenes. Entry is free – no tickets required. More info on www.thephotographicangle.co.uk
- The Man Ray Portraits at the National Portrait Gallery from 20 February to 26 May
- The London Classic Car Show 2016 at ExCeL, London. Thursday 18 to Sunday 21 February. Journey around the track and check out the Grand Avenue, with its solid collection of classic Formula One Grand Prix cars, or steer down to Classic Corner, and hear guest speakers share their enthusiasm for classic cars.
- Performing for the Camera at Tate Modern. Thursday 18 February to 12 June. Marvel at displays of photography and performance art through the ages at this brand new exhibition, which looks at interactions between photography and performance over 150 years, displaying photographic works from the likes of Yves Klein, and performance art from Eleanor Antin and Yayoi Kusama.
To those scoring a 20 in Round 3 of the Colour Print Competition.
Intermediate: John Hackett’s “Sea Fishing, Spain” and “At Rest, Tate Modern”
Advanced: Betty Deshmukh’s “Speedwell”; Paul Whitmarsh’s “Great Tit” and Paul Lehane’s “Full of Light and Morning Mist”.

Annual Exhibition
Just a reminder that hand in for the Annual Exhibition is on Thursday 17 March. Members may enter up to nine images of any subject in each eligible class. Entries will be divided into the following Exhibition Classes.
- EC 1: Advanced Monochrome Prints
- EC 4: Advanced Colour Prints
- EC 7: Advanced PDIs
- EC 2: Intermediate Monochrome Prints
- EC 5: Intermediate Colour Prints
- EC 8: Intermediate PDIs.
Entry forms can be downloaded here: BCC Exhib 2016 entry forms