IN THIS EDITION: This week at the club  Membership renewal/sign-up Using Photo Entry to submit PDI images  Upcoming meetings/full programme   THIS WEEK AT THE CLUB 

Thursday 22 September – Colour PDI Competition Round 1
Judge: Lorraine Robins (St Austell Camera Club) via Zoom

7.45pm at the USC    


This year, we are using an online sign-up form for new members and existing members’ renewals. Please follow this link to join: 

Once you have signed up, the fee of £60 for existing members and £30 for new members should be paid to Bromley Camera Club, NatWest, sort code: 600402, account number: 42292212. Please use your name as reference.    


This is a new system that we’ll be using for all PDI submissions – it’s easy to use and means that members can enter competitions early and also see a record of previous entries. Please see the user guide that Clive has put together for more information.     


Thursday 29 September – Members’ Evening How To #1 – Long Exposure
Long exposure can just mean using something like a 10th of a second to blur the background for a panning shot. But we usually think of long exposure as needing expensive ND filters, which only a few of us have. So tonight, we will explain not only how to use ND filters, but also how you can get long exposure images without the filters.

Presentation – “My Passion for Wildlife Photography” with Kevin Pigney ARPS DPAGB ASINWP – via Zoom at USC
It is also hand-in for Colour & Mono Print Competition Round 1

Please see the full programme for future meetings.    Facebook Website Copyright © 2021 Bromley Camera Club
All rights reserved.