IN THIS EDITION: This Week at the Club Winning Image KCPA Diamond Jubilee Competition Outing Ideas Upcoming Meetings New Kit |
THIS WEEK AT THE CLUB Editing with Affinity 7:45pm, 13th February Presented by Clive, he will be showing the ways of the editing software, Affinity. |
WINNING IMAGE I thought this is a really well seen image that combines different, unrelated elements into a witty photograph. Mick scored a very well deserved 20 out of 20 for this entry. Excellent work! |
KCPA DIAMOND JUBILEE COMPETITION 1:45pm, 22nd February Ditton Community Centre, Aylesford ME20 6AH Dozens of clubs are part of the KCPA so there will be a great range of imagery and styles present in this competition. If you would like to attend, please click on the button below to view the competitions poster. |
OUTING IDEAS Please don’t forget that anyone can make suggestions for outings! If you have an idea, or even half a one, let us know! Message in the WhatsApp group any thoughts or email |
UPCOMING MEETINGS Phone Only Competition 20th February Judged by our very own Vera Stevens. A maximum of 4 images can be submitted via PhotoEntry. The deadline is the 18th of February. Monochrome Photography 27th February Leigh will be using his expertise as well as third party videos to help us learn more about black and white photography. |
NEW KIT OM System OM-3 Mirrorless Camera 20 megapixel stacked Micro 4/3 sensor IP53 Weather-sealed and freezeproof design Stylish, retro looks Nikon COOLPIX P100 Camera 16 megapixel sensor 24-3000mm zoom range (no, really- three thousand!) Ugly beyond belief OM System M.Zuiko 17mm f/1.8 ii Lens Micro 4/3 mount Only 112g (4oz) |