IN THIS EDITION: This week at the club  Committee vacancies – updated SLF Finals – tickets available  Documents from Stephanie Johnson’s presentation Upcoming meetings  

Thursday 16 March
Members’ Evening How to #4 – An alternative to Adobe

Several BCC members use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop extensively, but most, especially some newer members, don’t. Maybe the Adobe subscription is too expensive, or the software is perceived as too complex, but there are other software programmes available and tonight we will talk through how to get results that can be par with Lightroom and Photoshop from one of the most cost effective there is – Affinity Photo

It is also hand-in for Mono PDI Competition round 3

7.45pm at the USC    

The support of members in running the club is vital to maintain its future. There are currently two vacancies to join the Executive Committee for the 2023/24 season onwards; elements of each role could be divided between members to spread the workload:

Programme Secretary
Responsibilities include: Organising the annual programme of speakers, workshops and competitions. Clive has already begun working on the 23/24 programme and is happy to support the new Programme Secretary. This role could also be divided between a couple of members. Attending committee meetings (around 6 per year, held on Zoom). Club Secretary 
Responsibilities include: Sending the weekly newsletter through Mail Chimp. Charlotte will provide full training on how to use this system. Attending committee meetings (around 6 per year, held on Zoom), writing agendas and taking minutes. If you are interested, or would like any more information, please speak to any member of the committee.      SLF FINALS – TICKETS AVAILABLE
Bromley Camera Club is in the PDI Final of the SLF Finals, which will be held on 22 April 2023 at Beckenham County Cricket Ground. Doors open at 1pm and the event starts at 2pm. 

There are ten tickets available to members and the cost is £5 each; please see Brian if you are interested. 

The SLF would also appreciate help from volunteers in setting up.    
Please follow this link to download pdf documents of Stephanie Johnson’s talk on ICM last week.    


Thursday 23 March
Mono PDI Competition round 3
Judge: Mike Warren ARPS CPAGB
Via Zoom at the USC

Thursday 30 March
Presentation – “The Art of Macro” with Tony North
A great opportunity to prepare us for getting out in the fields during springtime. Tony has a passion for macro and landscape photography and says there’s something about spending a few hours in a wildflower meadow capturing images of butterflies and dragonflies that really excites him. Hopefully his talk will also excite and inspire us for what is the perfect time of year.