IN THIS EDITION: This week at the club  Outings – NEW Christmas meal Upcoming meetings with updated programme  


Thursday 17 November
Members’ Evening – What Judges Want: photo critique 
Send in or bring on a memory stick: two PDIs that you might want to enter in a future competition, tell us what you like about them, or be anonymous if you prefer, and our “experts” will give you a critique, based on how we think judges might comment.

It is also hand-in for the Colour PDI Competition Round 2 (this is later than the original advertised date of 14 November).

7.45pm at the USC

Please see the full, updated programme at the bottom of this email.    

Saturday 3 December – Greatstone Beach near Romney
An early start (around 6am) to arrive for sunrise. Please let Clive know if you would like to attend.     

This year’s Christmas meal will be at the Cow & Pig on Thursday 15 December. If you’d like to join us, please email Charlotte as soon as possible to pay your £5 deposit and choose your meal from the menu. The total cost is £29.95 plus service for three courses.    


Thursday 24 November
Colour PDI Competition Round 2
Judge: Sally Sallett ARPS, CPAGB, AFIAP, BPE3* via Zoom at the USC
It is also hand-in for the Mike Gleave Nature Cup

Thursday 1 December 
Mike Gleave Nature Cup
Judge Paul Parkinson ARPS, CPAGB, BPE3* (Live at the USC)