What’s on Soon

Wednesday 24 March

Bromley are taking part in Croydon Centenary Competition by Zoom. If you would like to join by Zoom please contact Julie (printsec@bromleycameraclub.org) for the link. For your information the images we are entering are:

Face Lace by Vera Stevens

Girl in a Hat by Clive Williams

Bude Sunset by Peter Milton

City Lights by Chris Murray

Bellowing Stag by Julie Langman

Inner Space by Paul Whitmarsh

Old Timers by Steve Jones

Still Got It by Ioannis Toutoungi

Thursday 25 March 

Mono PDI Competition round 3 should have been judged by Ray Bridges LRPS CAPGB ADPS BPE3, unfortunately he is unwell so the replacement judge will be Philip Pound LRPS.

Wednesday 31 March

Larter Cup Competition – this is a 3 way competition between us, Beckenham PS and West Wickham PS to be hosted by Beckenham. If you would like to join by Zoom please contact Julie (printsec@bromleycameraclub.org) for the link near the time.

For your information the images we are entering are:

Herne Bay Pier by Peter Milton

Shades of Greta by Clive Williams

Lockdown Hope or Despair by Peter Salmon

Steel and Chrome by Allan Murrell

Portrait by Paul Whitmarsh

Mont St Michel by Vera Stevens

Tall Trees by Peter Milton

Splash by Clive Williams

Girl in a Dress by Vera Stevens

Hot Lips by Chris Murray

Waiting for Wimbledon by Paul Lehane

Gaze by Ioannis Toutoungi


As the rule of six is back in place from 29 March, we’re able to start some local outings again.

Knole Park – Saturday 3 April

Knole Park is a 100 acre site full of wild deer. The house won’t be open but there is still plenty of opportunity to photograph the outside of it as well as the park itself. The toilets and cafe are now open too!

You’ll need to pre-book your parking place – the earliest slot (10am) is best as you can stay all day. Tickets are £5 or free for National Trust members and should be available from Friday 26 March here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/knole-national-trust-19806756511

Please email Charlotte if you’re planning to go. 

Brutalist London – Saturday 17 April

Meet at London Bridge station at 10am for a walk through the City to the Barbican Centre – full route to be decided so feel free to send suggestions! 

Again, please email Charlotte if you’re planning to go. If there are more than six people then we’ll need to split into two groups and ensure we maintain social distancing. 

Annual Exhibition

Because of Covid we were unable to have the Print competitions this year. The Committee have decided that for one year only our AE will be PDI based. We are now asking members to enter up to 9 Mono PDI’s and 9 Colour PDI’s. You can either enter images from the internal competitions or from elsewhere. The only stipulation is that once an image has been entered into the AE it 

may not be entered again in any format in any subsequent Club Competition, Outings Competition or Annual Exhibition respectively. An image which has been entered in a Club Competition may only be entered in the same season’s AE in the same format as it was entered in the Club Competition.

We are still awaiting a date from Andy Smith (our Judge) when he would like to view the entries.  But why not get your entries in now to Brian (pdisecretary@bromleycmeraclub.org) to save rushing when I let you know the date. If you are just using your PDIs from the rounds you will still need to resubmit them to Brian.


To those scoring a 20 in our Still Life Competition

“Hot Lips” by Chris Murray and “Tiramisu” by Vera Stevens

Treasurer/Membership Secretary

At our September 2021 AGM the Committee will have a vacancy for the role of Treasurer and Membership Secretary. These roles are currently combined into a single one but if anyone would be interested in taking on either or both of these roles could you please speak to a Committee member. The current Treasurer would be willing to shadow you for the first year. 

General Secretary 

At the next AGM I will be retiring from the Executive Committee which means we will also have a vacancy for the General Secretary role.  I will, of course, be able to shadow you for the first year. If you would be interested in taking on this role please speak to me.

At Paul Hastings‘ recent presentation he made reference to a couple of links. In case any members didn’t get a chance to jot them down, they were:

The first was for the 1.35v button cells to replace the mercury batteries used in many cameras from the 60’s to the 90’s. These can be obtained from a UK supplier on e-bay, ranging from £5.95 to £5.71 depending on quantity: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wein-Cell-1-35v-MRB675-Mercury-Camera-Battery-Replaces-PX675-New/192256997308         

Secondly is the advert for the Laserium at the London Planetarium on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N51Y1UVvpy8   

PAGB e-News No. 278 and 278 extra

To read the latest issue, please click on this link www.pagbnews.co.uk. You can also view back issues by entering the site.